应用 FIR 滤波器


如何应用 FIR 滤波器:convolve、fftconvolve、convolve1d 或 lfilter?

下图显示了使用 numpy 和 scipy 中提供的几种不同函数,将不同长度的有限脉冲响应 (FIR) 滤波器应用于长度为 131072 的信号所需的时间。下面详细介绍了如何创建此图。

In [49]


numpy 和 scipy 库中有多个函数可用于将 FIR 滤波器 应用于信号。从 scipy.signal 中,lfilter() 用于将离散 IIR 滤波器 应用于信号,因此只需将分母系数数组设置为 [1.0],即可用于应用 FIR 滤波器。应用 FIR 滤波器等效于离散 卷积,因此也可以使用 numpy 中的 convolve()、scipy.signal 中的 convolve() 或 fftconvolve(),或 scipy.ndimage 中的 convolve1d()。在本页中,我们将演示这些函数中的每一个,并查看当数据信号大小固定而 FIR 滤波器长度变化时,计算时间如何变化。我们将使用 131072 的数据信号长度,即 2**17。我们假设我们有 m 个数据通道,因此我们的输入信号是一个 m x n 数组。对于一维计时,我们使用大小为 2*10^4 的源数组,并使用不同数量的滤波器系数。

我们假设我们的 FIR 滤波器系数在一个一维数组 b 中。numpy.convolve 函数只接受一维数组,因此我们必须使用 python 循环遍历我们的输入数组,以对所有通道执行卷积。一种方法是

y = np.array([np.convolve(xi, b, mode='valid') for xi in x])



y = convolve(x, b[np.newaxis, :], mode='valid')

其中x是一个形状为(m, n)的numpy数组,b是FIR滤波器系数的单维数组。b[np.newaxis, :]b的二维视图,形状为1乘len(b)y是过滤后的数据;它只包含计算了完整卷积的那些项,因此它的形状为(m, n - len(b) + 1)

ndimage.convolve1d() 被设计为对另一个n维数组的给定轴上的1d数组进行卷积。它没有选项mode='valid',因此要提取结果的有效部分,我们对函数的结果进行切片

y = convolve1d(x, b)[:, (len(b)-1)//2 : -(len(b)//2)]

signal.lfilter 被设计为过滤一维数据。它可以接受一个二维数组(或者更一般地说,一个n维数组)并在任何给定的轴上过滤数据。它也可以用于IIR滤波器,因此在我们的例子中,我们将为分母系数传递[1.0]。在python中,它看起来像这样

y = lfilter(b, [1.0], x)


y = lfilter(b, [1.0], x)[:, len(b) - 1:]


在 [9]
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import print_function
import time

import numpy as np
from numpy import convolve as np_convolve
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve, lfilter, firwin
from scipy.signal import convolve as sig_convolve
from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
在 [10]
# Create the m by n data to be filtered.
m = 1
n = 2 ** 18
x = np.random.random(size=(m, n))

conv_time = []
npconv_time = []
fftconv_time = []
conv1d_time = []
lfilt_time = []

diff_list = []
diff2_list = []
diff3_list = []

ntaps_list = 2 ** np.arange(2, 14)

for ntaps in ntaps_list:
    # Create a FIR filter.
    b = firwin(ntaps, [0.05, 0.95], width=0.05, pass_zero=False)

    # --- signal.convolve ---
    tstart = time.time()
    conv_result = sig_convolve(x, b[np.newaxis, :], mode='valid')
    conv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- numpy.convolve ---
    tstart = time.time()
    npconv_result = np.array([np_convolve(xi, b, mode='valid') for xi in x])
    npconv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- signal.fftconvolve ---
    tstart = time.time()
    fftconv_result = fftconvolve(x, b[np.newaxis, :], mode='valid')
    fftconv_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- convolve1d ---
    tstart = time.time()
    # convolve1d doesn't have a 'valid' mode, so we expliclity slice out
    # the valid part of the result.
    conv1d_result = convolve1d(x, b)[:, (len(b)-1)//2 : -(len(b)//2)]
    conv1d_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    # --- lfilter ---
    tstart = time.time()
    lfilt_result = lfilter(b, [1.0], x)[:, len(b) - 1:]
    lfilt_time.append(time.time() - tstart)

    diff = np.abs(fftconv_result - lfilt_result).max()

    diff2 = np.abs(conv1d_result - lfilt_result).max()

    diff3 = np.abs(npconv_result - lfilt_result).max()

# Verify that np.convolve and lfilter gave the same results.
print("Did np.convolve and lfilter produce the same results?",)
check = all(diff < 1e-13 for diff in diff3_list)
if check:
    print( "Yes.")
    print( "No!  Something went wrong.")

# Verify that fftconvolve and lfilter gave the same results.
print( "Did fftconvolve and lfilter produce the same results?")
check = all(diff < 1e-13 for diff in diff_list)
if check:
    print( "Yes.")
    print( "No!  Something went wrong.")

# Verify that convolve1d and lfilter gave the same results.
print( "Did convolve1d and lfilter produce the same results?",)
check = all(diff2 < 1e-13 for diff2 in diff2_list)
if check:
    print( "Yes.")
    print( "No!  Something went wrong.")
Did np.convolve and lfilter produce the same results?
Did fftconvolve and lfilter produce the same results?
Did convolve1d and lfilter produce the same results?
在 [52]
def timeit(fn, shape, lfilter=False, n_x=2e4, repeats=3):
    x = np.random.rand(int(n_x))
    y = np.random.rand(*shape)
    args = [x, y] if not lfilter else [x, x, y]
    times = []
    for _ in range(int(repeats)):
        start = time.time()
        c = fn(*args)
        times += [time.time() - start]
    return min(times)

npconv_time2, conv_time2, conv1d_time2 = [], [], []
fftconv_time2, sig_conv_time2, lconv_time2 = [], [], []
Ns_1d = 2*np.logspace(0, 4, num=11, dtype=int)
for n in Ns_1d:
    npconv_time2 += [timeit(np_convolve, shape=(n,))]
    conv1d_time2 += [timeit(convolve1d, shape=(n,))]
    fftconv_time2 += [timeit(fftconvolve, shape=(n,))]
    sig_conv_time2 += [timeit(sig_convolve, shape=(n,))]
    lconv_time2 += [timeit(lfilter, shape=(n,), lfilter=True)]
在 [53]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 5.5))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.loglog(ntaps_list, conv1d_time, 'k-p', label='ndimage.convolve1d')
plt.loglog(ntaps_list, lfilt_time, 'c-o', label='signal.lfilter')
plt.loglog(ntaps_list, fftconv_time, 'm-*', markersize=8, label='signal.fftconvolve')
plt.loglog(ntaps_list[:len(conv_time)], conv_time, 'g-d', label='signal.convolve')
plt.loglog(ntaps_list, npconv_time, 'b-s', label='numpy.convolve')
plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1)
plt.xlabel('Number of taps')
plt.ylabel('Time to filter (seconds)')
plt.title('Multidimensional timing')

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.loglog(Ns_1d, conv1d_time2, 'k-p', label='ndimage.convolve1d')
plt.loglog(Ns_1d, lconv_time2, 'c-o', label='signal.lfilter')
plt.loglog(Ns_1d, fftconv_time2, 'm-*', markersize=8, label='signal.fftconvolve')
plt.loglog(Ns_1d, sig_conv_time2, 'g-d', label='signal.convolve')
plt.loglog(Ns_1d, npconv_time2, 'b-s', label='np.convolve')
plt.xlabel('Number of taps')
plt.ylabel('Time to filter (seconds)')
plt.title('One dimensional timing')



在 [ ]

章节作者:WarrenWeckesser,WarrenWeckesser,Scott Sievert